Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Moving Forward

I have had a few sad/pitafull posts lately but I can say the hubby and I are officatlly moving forward. I have a prescription in hand for Clomid and will start taking sometime next week. We have all the costs now ( almost double what I was orignally told) and we are making plans. 

This next cycle we will try an IUI.
I am on CD 26 right now.


  1. Wheee! Good luck with the iui will be thinking of you xxx

  2. that is great news! good luck!!!

  3. Good luck lovely. Let your next cycle be very positive and free of Clomid rage. :-) xx

  4. Good luck on your next cycle and dont let the clomid make you crazy. I am starting again within the next week for a few cycles before ivf #2.

  5. Good luck. Lots of fertile vibes your way!
