Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas and all the Positives

as you can probably tell, I intend to finish and post this one on Friday, hope you can forgive my tardiness.....

Well it's Christmas Eve. All over the world people are celebrating with their families and hopefully enjoying life. I know it will not be a perfect holiday for some and like me, I know that most you (those whose blogs I follow and my lovely readers) did not receive the one gift you so hoped for this year. But this weekend is a time to be thankful and to be happy with what we have. This holiday season has had its ups and downs but I hope at some point through all of it everyone has found a few moments of happiness.

And with that said - I'm going to focus on the good things and celebrate a few positive things in my life, even if we're still waiting for the big one -

- This year we started TTC. I finally made it to that point in my life where it was the right time.

- We figured out what our main issue was and we did something about it.

- Our TTC chances should increase in 2011

- I still love my job and am lucky to have to. Its a good place and I love getting to play with books all day.

- We welcomed a niece into the family.

- It was a pretty healthy year. No major issues or breakages.

- There should be plenty of chances to try again next year.
I hope everyone had a lovely and wonderful holiday and a great week up to the New Year. I am sending out much love to each of you and lots of baby dust.


  1. I know it's difficult, but I commend you for trying to focus on the positives. It's a pretty damn good list!

  2. You definitely have a lot to be thankful for, and I have a feeling that next year you will have even more :)

  3. Hey Lindsay,

    I'm glad to see you are still looking at all the bright things that already fill your life. 2010 might not have been what you were hoping for conception but you are ready to hit the ground running in 2011.

    Gorgeous girl I hope the festive season was a good one for you and looking forward to seeing more from you in the new year.

