Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This not knowing when OV happened blows.

Today is CD36. Four tests so far this cycle the last being two days ago with a BFN. My longest cycle ever has been 40 days and that was while I was possible still weaning off the pill. My longest cycle with Clomid was 36 days with spotting starting on CD 35 and 36, full blown AF on CD 37.

I sit here now wondering when should I try to test again. If I had used an expensive test on Sunday, would I have had a different result? Oddly I still do not have my hopes up. I do not have a feeling its over but just confused. For the last day or so I’ve had a few twinges of cramp like things. Not AF feeling but more like an OV tightness. Does this mean anything at all? My CM has been watery looking for like the last week.



  1. Hmm, that is odd! I hope that maybe you ovulated later and will still get your BFP! Good luck!

  2. That is odd. I think I would test again. I think you are still in the game until AF arrives! Good luck!

  3. Sorry it's all so confusing! I think I would test again and then, if still BFN, I think you should probably contact your doctor about a progesterone draw to see if you have O'd this month. Good luck! Maybe this is your time for that positive!

  4. I would probably test again, if nothing else, to catch a chemical pregnancy.

    Hopefully you're pregnant and it's not a crazy cyst that is extending your LP.

  5. Good Luck! i know the difficulties of never knowing when O happens :( GL GL GL though and did u get a new blog look? its HOTT! LD

  6. Good luck.. I hate how sometimes our body confuses us! It happens to me all the time.. hehe.
    I would wait a few more days and test again, fingers crossed you get a positive! :)


  7. So sorry... sounds so frustrating. I don't have any experience on this, because I only o on treatments. Hoping you find an answer soon...

  8. Hmm sounds random. I guess keep peeing on a stick till its positive or AF arrives. Did you track any signs of ov (cm changes?)? Fx'd it was late ov and a BFP is lurking around the corner!

  9. I think I would keep testing every other day until either AF arrives or you get a positive. If nothing happens by CD 40, maybe you could call your doctor for a blood test? Good luck...sorry things are so confusing!
