Thursday, May 19, 2011

Whats Goin On?

CD 38

Just a lovely little update. Today was the same as yesterday, no signs of AF and still getting BFN when testing. I even used a different test this morning.
So now I think I will wait out the weekend, test Sunday and if the results are still the same call my doc first thing Monday morning.

My only concern is that I have had small little twinges on the right side. These have not been painful but have felt different than gas or AF cramps. Part of me is terrified this might be ectopic and the other half is just saying AF is late.

I really wish I knew what was going on.


  1. AF is seriously wicked... hope things sort out soon.

  2. i hate the not knowing! i SO hope it's that you're pregnant, but the tests just aren't working. a friend of mine tells me that she couldn't ever get a pee stick to show positive, even though it came up as a great number on the beta. i'm holding out hope for you! stay away AF!!!

  3. Oh I really hope you're pregnant girl!! Will be watching and waiting.

  4. Yes, our bodies seem to do some crazy things... I really hope its positive for you!! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you! :)

  5. How frustrating!!!

    I really hope it turns out you are pregnant though!! xx

  6. I hope you turn out to be pregnant! Hang in there!

  7. I heard there are women that test negative until 2-3 months into their pregnancy!
